Thursday, June 19, 2008

My mom and me

In school I have just finished a course called Devolpmental 3, in it we talked about the importance with lullabyes for infants to feel connected to the mother, and the society it will grow up in.
I started to think about that, how was my mom to me when i grew up?
And then it just hit me why I study psychology...

In Sweden we have these nice lullabuyes; about Olle going to the forrest to pick berrys and finds a friendly bear there, or about a sqirrel jumping from tree to tree I guess you get the picture...
Well my mom sang song to me about this really sick girl who lies at the hospital an every day askes the doctor if she can go home to her mother, when one winter day "the snow falls over the little girls grave, she never saw her mother, she never saw her father", or the other favorite she sang to me about the rose of the alps, a spoiled girl would not fall in love with anyone except the one who picked now the rose of the alps for her, so a man tries and falls to his death, just inches away from picking the rose...

Hmm so anyone still wonders why I study psychology...

Written under the influence of singing I en sal på lasarettet in the shower.


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